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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Why Apologetics is Important

"but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect" -1 Peter 3:15
The verse above is a go-to verse for many apologist when defending apologetics. Apologetics is simply giving a defense; it is the 'why' behind the 'what' we believe. Apologetics comes from the Greek word 'apologia' meaning to defend. So, is it important to be able to give a defense and answer the objections to the Christian faith?  Of course it is. Apologetics is important because many have questions and ambassadors should have answers, skeptics are benefited, and believers are strengthened by apologetics.

Many have questions and ambassadors should have answers.
Now more than ever, Christianity is being questioned. Everything from the existence of God, to miracles being possible, to the reliability of the New Testament is being challenged by skeptics. Christians are not answering back. Paul wrote in his second letter to the Church of Corinth that Christ followers are ambassadors for Christ. Imagine that you are an ambassador for the United States and placed to work in another country. Every day the citizens, of the country you are working, will ask you questions concerning the United States. You would be expected to be able to answer the basic questions about the United States as well as some in depth questions. If you could not, you would be looking for another job in the very near future. I'm glad God doesn't 'fire' us for not being able to answer the questions concerning the Christian faith, but He expects us to be able too. As ambassadors for Christ, we should be well-read and studied to have answers for the questions and objections concerning the "hope that is in [us]."

Skeptics are benefited.
When we, as ambassadors, make a defense for our faith skeptics are benefited. They are benefited in the sense that we are exposing them to and defending the truth. Our goal, as apologists, is to not only answer the skeptics' questions, but also point the skeptics to the truth with "gentleness and respect." Ultimately, that is what apologetics is all about. Not just having an answer, but answering the questions in such a way that the skeptic is pointed to truth. Since by definition truth cannot be relative, basing beliefs around the truth is important. So, ultimately skeptics are benefited from apologetics because they will be exposed to the truth.

Believers are strengthened.
Apologetics strengthens your faith as an ambassador for Christ. By studying apologetics, you do not have to rely on 'blind faith.' In fact, the idea of 'blind' faith is foreign to the New Testament. Apologetics strengthens you by giving you a reasonable and evidential faith. What I have found out is that it is much easier sharing my beliefs since I've been studying apologetics. I think this is because I now know answers to questions and I am not worried about not being able to answer the skeptic. Knowing why you belief what you do is encouraging and effective. I love training youth in apologetics, as well as making a case for Christianity to them. Since the majority of youth leave the church after leaving the home because of intellectual reasons. Training them in the truth of Christianity is essential in that they are strengthened in their beliefs and as result do not give into the professors trying to strip the youth of the Christian worldview.

Apologetics essentially helps everyone. Skeptics are benefited, answered, and pointed to the truth. Believers are strengthened in their personal faith.
Are you ready, as an ambassador, to take the responsibility of defending the beliefs of Christianity seriously? I hope so. Be a Case-Maker today.


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